We are pleased to announce that the following candidates have been selected as contestants in the 2022 Edition of the Stepping Stone! Congratulations to all!
Leslie Ashworth
Vivian Chen
Jérôme Chiasson
Chloé Dumoulin
Philippe Gagné
Romain-Olivier Gray
Joon Oh Kim
Artem Kopylov
Vivian Kukiel
Sua Kwoun
David Lécuyer
Lala Lee
Elsie Lu
Jonathan Mak
Connor O’Kane
Christine Ke Pan
Simiao Helen Pei
Frédéric Pouliot
Antoine Rivard-Landry
Yu Kai Sun
Mélissa Tremblay
Sophie Van Der Sloot
Kevin Wang
Joshua Wong
Zhan Hong Xiao
Vincent Yang
Jessica Q. Yuma