The “Candidate” is defined as any individual involved as a participant in an activity organized by the C.M.C. Canadian Music Competition Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Competition”), includingparticipating third parties, which include but are not limited to parents, teachers, piano accompanists,etc.
All Candidates in the Competition are bound by this code of ethics.
The Competition is a national organization working in the field of classical music with the goal of supporting and encouraging young Canadian performers. Through its work, it encourages musicians to excel, cultivate discipline and perseverance, and sharpen their critical sense and analytical ability. It offers them an opportunity to develop their artistic personality and to grow as performers and human beings.
The idea for the Competition initially took shape in 1958 in Montreal. Since then, 11 chapters have been formed to cover all of Canada. The same spirit that drove the founders continues to live on today in all of the volunteers involved in the Competition. They are its pillars, supplying the energy the Competition needs to pursue its objectives.
The Candidate must commit to carefully reviewing and following the rules of the Competition.
The Competition is a private organization whose internal processes should not be publicly disclosed.Information or clarifications on the interpretation of the rules, the jury’s evaluations, or other elements of the Competition can be provided to a Candidate who expressly make such a request. However, theCandidate agrees to respect the decisions rendered and not to undermine the organization by significantly monopolizing its resources. Competition decisions rendered by the general management and/or the board of directors are final and without appeal.
The Candidate is forbidden from harming others or the Competition. The Candidate must place thehighest priority on showing respect for the Competition organizers, jury members, volunteers, collaborators, other participants and their respective entourages (teachers, parents, relatives, accompanists, etc.). Behaviour, language, and visual representations of an abusive, harassing, or offensive nature are unacceptable. The Candidate is forbidden from physically or verbally abusing any other individual; using excessive blasphemous language or vulgar gestures; continuously belittling or humiliating other individuals; and making disparaging remarks about the race, gender, religion, age, disability, origin, or sexual orientation of any individual, whether in verbal or written form, on social networks, or by any other means of communication.
The Candidate must treat the competition venues and all material required to run the competition with respect. The Candidate must also cooperate with individuals in charge of running the Competition’s activities.
The Candidate must address the judges with an open, respectful, and non-aggressive attitude at all times, no matter the score received. The Competition reiterates the fact that meeting with the judges is a privilege and that the Candidate must act accordingly.
The Candidate must never present himself/herself as a spokesperson for the Competition or as are presentative of the organization or its board of directors, unless having been otherwise expressly authorized in advance by the Competition’s general management. If, in making a public statement, a Candidate wishes to speak as an individual, he/she must make his/her intentions clear to the interviewer and audience, state that the remarks are his/her own, and declare that the stated opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions or position of the Competition. The Candidate must be aware, when appearing in public, speaking to the media, or posting on social networks, that he/she may be considered by the public to be a spokesperson for the Competition. Declarations must be honest, truthful, and respectful of the Competition and the various stakeholders involved in the Competition’s activities.
- All participants and parents are expected to show respect to everyone within the CMC community, including fellow participants, parents, jury members, staff, and volunteers. Any disrespectful behavior may result in disqualification at the discretion of CMC. In cases of severe misconduct, such as cyberbullying, CMC reserves the right to suspend participation privileges for up to three years.