Social Media Netiquette


The CMC Canadian Music Competition Inc.’s presence in the digital world offers an opportunity for dynamic and courteous exchanges with web users.

The CMC Canadian Music Competition Inc. is committed to reviewing the comments posted on its social media pages on a regular basis. It encourages web users to actively participate in discussions and share their ideas.

However, the CMC Canadian Music Competition Inc. reserves the right to remove or ignore any comments that include:

  • Defamatory, obscene, offensive, hateful, racist, homophobic, sexist, or religious remarks
  • Misleading or defamatory statements about any person
  • Repeated postings of the same message
  • Any content deemed inappropriate or whose subject is unrelated to the topic of the post
  • Any content promoting goods and services or of an advertising nature

In addition, the CMC Canadian Music Competition Inc. disapproves of the use of all caps for emphasis, as comments written in uppercase can be interpreted as shouting and may be unpleasant to readers.

We will remove or block, without notice, any subscribers whose remarks are deemed to be inappropriate or harassing.