Registration for the 2025 edition is now open!
IMPORTANT New for the 2025 National Auditions: Each chapter has its own registration procedure. The registration deadline may also vary from one chapter to another. SEE LIST OF CHAPTERS.
National finalists will be selected by each chapter according to their respective procedures and in agreement with the CMC national office.
At the time of registration, candidates must have read and accepted the Competition’s Code of Ethics. Consult the Code of Ethics.
Carefully check the registration procedures for your chapter or province. SEE LIST OF CHAPTERS.
- The Competition is open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Permanent residents must provide valid proof at the time of registration (scan or clear photo of permanent resident certificate or card).
- Exceptionally, one of the members of a chamber music and/or four-hand piano / piano-duet ensemble may be a foreign student. Foreign students must provide valid proof at the time of registration (scan or clear photo of study visa).
- Candidates must compete in the region where they reside, i.e. the main domicile or where they are staying for the duration of their studies. If there is no CMC chapter in your area, please contact the national office before registering (additional fees may apply). Valid proof of address may be required by the CMC.
- A candidate may not compete in two categories with the same instrument. However, a candidate may enter solo, chamber music and four-hand/piano-duet A candidate may also enter several ensembles if the instrumental formations are different.
- Proof of age is required at the time of registration. Acceptable proof includes: birth certificate, passport, health insurance card, driver’s license, citizenship certificate and permanent resident card.
- At the time of registration, the candidate must have read and accepted the Competition’s Code of Ethics. Consult the Code of Ethics.
- Candidates who participate in CMC activities do so with full knowledge of the risks involved and accept that the CMC accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage caused by viruses, bacteria or micro-organisms. Candidates must comply with the CMC Sanitary Protocol regarding public health standards.
- Check the registration deadline for your respective chapter or province. SEE LIST OF CHAPTERS.
- Check your chapter or province’s registration fees and donation terms. SEE LIST OF CHAPTERS.
- The Competition consists of two rounds: the National Audition and the National Final. For the National Audition, each candidate must refer to their chapter (place of residence or study) to find out the procedures specific to their chapter and complete the registration form corresponding to their chapter. SEE LIST OF CHAPTERS.
- All registration fees are payable at the time of registration. Registration fees may be reimbursed in accordance with the respective terms and conditions of the chapters.
- The following four age categories will be represented at the National Final: 7 to 10, 11 to 14, 15 to 18, 19 to 25 (29 for voice).
- A jury, chosen with the approval of the CMC national office, will determine the national finalists for each chapter.
The jury for the National Final will be made up of 5 professional musicians and teachers. Candidates can meet the jury members after the National Auditions and the National Final. The format of the meetings is at the discretion of each chapter for the National Auditions and of the CMC national office for the National Final. - Winners in the 4 major age categories (7-10, 11-14, 15-18, 19-25 (29 for voice) will be invited to participate in a concert following the National Finals, at Bishops University (Sherbrooke, QC) as well as performing with a Canadian orchestra.
- At the National Audition, the results and jury members’ comments will be announced at the end of the session.
At the National Finals, they are handed out at the results announcement ceremony for each of the four major age categories or sent by mail in the event of absence. - Prizes and bursaries: Bursaries for the National Audition are awarded in accordance with the terms and conditions of each chapter. Bursaries for the National Final will be determined by the National office.
- Candidates 13 years of age or older who receive a bursary of $500 or more are responsible for the payment of all taxes and other fiscal obligations in accordance with the provisions of federal and provincial tax laws. They will be required to provide their social insurance number for the issuance of the Relevé 1 and/or T4A.
- Candidates as well as the people accompanying them are responsible for all travel, and accommodation expenses.
- In the event of cancellation, candidates must promptly notify the national office and their chapter chair.
- National Final: The final event will take place at Bishop’s University in Sherbrooke, Quebec, between July 2 and 6, 2025. An additional fee of $200 will be charged to all selected participants or ensembles.
- Candidates must comply with the repertoire requirements for their age category and instrument in accordance with the terms of their respective chapter. SEE LIST OF CHAPTERS.
- Under the tab: Competition-Suggested repertoire, the instrument/age repertoire serves as a guideline Candidates must comply with the repertoire requirements of their chapter.
- Any work performed at the National Audition is not eligible for the National Finals. E.g.: a movement or concerto played at the National Audition cannot be played again at the National Final. However, a different movement from the same concerto may be played.
- At the National Audition, the jury for each chapter is selected in accordance with the respective procedures of each chapter and in agreement with the CMC National Office.
- At the National Final, candidates are auditioned by five judges. A minimum score of 90% is required for a first place.
- The results of the two events are not cumulative.
- Judges’ decisions are final and without appeal. No revision of scores may be requested.
- In the event of a tie, the Competition reserves the right to call on the jury to determine a single Grand Prize per age category.
- Each chapter or province is entirely autonomous with respect to its policy on the awarding of scholarships.
- National Final Bursaries: The distribution of prizes and bursaries will be determined at the sole discretion of the Competition, depending on how events unfold. Candidates are grouped into four age categories, all instruments combined, and bursaries are awarded based on the highest score in each categories : 7 to 10 years, 11 to 14 years, 15 to 18 years, 19 to 25 years (29 years for voice).
- Candidates aged 13 or over who receive a bursary of $500 or more are responsible for the payment of all taxes and other fiscal obligations in accordance with the provisions of federal or provincial tax laws. They will be required to provide their social insurance number for the issuance of the Relevé 1 and/or T4A.
- Candidates as well as the people accompanying them are responsible for all travel, and accommodation expenses.
- In the event of cancellation, candidates must promptly notify their respective chapter and the national office.
- During the competition, it is strictly forbidden to take photos or film candidates other than one’s own child.
- The photographer(s) and videographer(s) commissioned by the Competition are authorized to photograph and/or film the performances.
- Candidates are required to grant the CMC all rights to record, broadcast and reproduce their performances, as well as resale rights, for an indefinite period. By submitting the registration form, candidates acknowledge and accept these conditions. The CMC reserves the right to use these recordings and images for promotional and archival purposes.
- The use of a pedal extension system is permitted but must be authorized in advance by the section or national office.
- Any candidate who fails to comply with the rules will be disqualified.
- Any false declaration on the part of a candidate automatically results in disqualification.
- Unauthorized use of the audition room and/or piano is strictly forbidden and will result in disqualification.
- Any matter not provided for in these rules shall be referred to the Board of Directors, whose decisions shall be final and without appeal.